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    News — Vintage



    I love my early morning walks with our Charlie, our Chocolate Labrador and if we are really lucky, another late afternoon walk too.  It is these times, that the world stops 'spinning' quite so fast and I can enjoy the beautiful countryside all around me.  

    All in the Vintage Detail - www.lovinglymadeltd.co.uk

    Charlie and I enjoying the Sussex countryside...

    Living and working in stunning rural Sussex has so many benefits and it is whilst walking, contemplating life and taking in the colours and sounds, that I can really appreciate nature and its minuscule detail.  It is that detail which I love so much and endeavour to transfer the themes in and with our Vintage Boutique and The Vintage Courtyard.  

    Our Vintage Boutique is an array of colour, texture and seasons. From the wood grain of furniture, to the textures of the linen, quilts and cushions and the ever changing feel of our Vintage Boutique with the seasonal changes in 'taste' and weather.

    All in the Vintage Detail - www.lovinglymadeltd.co.uk

    This Vintage Bench has had lots of lovely time in the garden to have a character of all its own...

    It is the smallest of details in a vintage piece, that is the part that brings together so many elements of your home that makes it truly yours. It is with this feeling, that John and I love to choose vintage furniture, not only with history, but also with great design.  Together with quirky and unique and colour that bring distinctive character to your home.

    All in the Vintage Detail - www.lovinglymadeltd.co.uk
    Sunning Vintage details here, on this French mirror, chippy and characterful marks on this Pine top table to the detail carved out by the Craftsman with the beautiful hearts...

     All in the Vintage Detail - www.lovinglymadeltd.co.uk

    We love to find pieces for your home that are individual in their detail; be it a quirky shape piece of furniture, a French pot with a little mark of time or a weathered and worn bucket. It is those details that only come with time, vintage time, that make your home have charm, a story to tell and a piece of timelessness all by itself.

    All in the Vintage Detail - www.lovinglymadeltd.co.uk

    Time. yesterday, today and tomorrow... 

    We hope to see you very soon in our Vintage Boutique and take a look around you at the timeless detail in our Vintage pieces for your home...
    Best wishes,
    Trixie, John and Charlie x



    Why we love vintage furniture is oh so simple. Your home is our home.  Home is an important part of your lives, every day we are in it, somewhere at some time of the day or night. It is important to our very being to feel love in our homes, and that goes hand in hand with loving the furniture in our homes too.

    Preloved Vintage & Contemporary Furniture - www.lovinglymadeltd.co.uk

    A beautifully loved vintage chest of drawers...

    So why settle for something that is the same as everyone else in your street?  Do you really enjoy opening up flatpacks of furntiure and then trying to decipher the instructions and all those nuts and bolts and stress! 

    Our whole love, passion, feeling and philosophy are one. Coming through your front door after a long day or night at work, and finding yourself surrounded with lovely warm, comforting, beautiful vintage furniture should be with 'heartfelt love'.

    Since time gone by, we have made furniture, we have made it well, with pride and with solid good wood, designed to test time, that is why Vintage furniture is truly loved. Loved by us and loved by you. Vintage furniture shows you its love as you look it, as you touch it, the odd knock, the little dent, the marks of time gone by, of the love it has had bestowed upon it.  

    It is Vintage, and every single little mark has a story behind it, that is why we love it, why it is so unique, it only comes with one instruction leaflet, "how to love me more..."

    Preloved Vintage & Contemporary Furniture - www.lovinglymadeltd.co.uk

    One simple instruction to our Vintage furniture: "how to love me more..."

    Hope to see you in our Vintage Furniture Boutique very soon.
    Love and best wishes
    Trixie x



    Bloom Room - www.lovinglymadeltd.co.uk

    How delighted are we to have Helen from Bloom Room joining us here with her Floristry Classes!

    Bloom Room - www.lovinglymadeltd.co.uk

    Helen is a truly talented Florist with some of the most prestigious floristry training, including McQueens.  With an Engineering background, you can see how this has crossed over so successfully with her natural creative talent for shape, texture, creativity and colour.

    Helen has been seen in the following publications to name but a few!


    Together, Bloom Room and Lovingly Made had a wonderful Valentine's competition and our winner, Henry, was absolutely delighted with his gorgeous Valentine bouquet!

    Valentine's Day with www.lovinglymadeltd.co.uk & www.bloomroom.co.uk

    So, why not come and join us in one of our Bloom Room classes, which are now up on our website to book online, or pop into our Vintage Boutique for chat!  We can always create a bespoke floral class for you and your friends too!

    See you soon, take care,
    Best wishes,
    Trixie x



    I think I must have been in a dream over the last couple of days or so. John and I left work for a little trip to France. 
    With a military timetable organised, van organised, map, passports in hand together with anti-sickness tablets, we crossed over the water to Calais. 
    Our little "journeé", gave a wonderful excuse  to see our friends as well as taking in the delights of a few of the local vintage fairs. 
    I really didn't know where to look first! There were some real vintage French gems but sadly the prices of some were so prohibitive.  
    Having said the vintage French shopping was expensive, we did have such a wonderful time, laughing, looking, and had the odd café au lait or two!
    Thank you Carolyn and Becky for such a fabulous time. Here's to our next French shopping time! Oh la la la...
    Best wishes
    Trixie x


    Shopping is fun. No doubt about that, and being a girl too!
    But this was shopping fun with my husband for furniture stock for our Boutique here in Sussex. 

    Going shopping with John for our Boutique shop is great fun. It is one of the truly most enjoyable, if not really hard work, days that we have together.

    It's an early start, not as early as some fairs, and a long day too. We started at 7.00 and didn't get back to Lovingly Made until 4.00!  And that was just the start of things!
    We then started to unload everything we had bought. John and I then inventorise every item onto our computer accounting system. I then start to sort items into what areas they are, furniture, finds, curios, home and garden. 

    I then clean and polish our furniture. It is then stock coded, and I then photograph those items going online.  Items are placed into its new home or put into our 'stock holding' area. When I get home, I then import the photographs, choose the appropriate ones for online and export to our website and other social media sites. Which can take quite some time. 

    I think we finally left at about 7.30 and not even having finished unloading. So the following day, we then restarted. It is a great feeling when everything is unloaded and placed out in its new home! 

    We really enjoy our buying days. It is a great day of haggling with prices and traders. It is knowing what is "trending" in the home market and seeing potential of furniture. I love seeing something that is unloved and turning my hand to restoring something to pure beauty. 


    John and I are so fortunate that we both can work together and live together. I think that's called teamwork. 

    Pop by and see what we have in our Boutique.
    We'd love to see you. 

    With best wishes,
    Trixie x